Getting high quality information into your memory requires lots of hard work.

You have to think about things deeply to get them into memory successfully.

<aside> ❓ What does it mean to think deeply?


Generation effect: student generates information rather than having information presented to them by someone else

Self-explanation helps identify the gaps you have in your understanding of the way things work by generating an explanation

A rich mental context

When you learn actively and work to repeat key information and produce explanations for yourself, you create a rich mental context in which you are learning.

Internal mental context consists of the thoughts you are having that relate to the material and the goals you have for learning about it. You make the information more strongly associated with your internal mental context rather than with transient aspects of the outer world.

High quality knowledge is more than a set of facts.

The more often you study the material, the better the chance that just one bit of the material becomes a trigger to remember the rest of it.

You will do a better job of building connections among components of your knowledge when you study over time.